Sustainability Management
In June 2022, Hoshizaki established its Sustainability Committee as a meeting body to discuss governance, risk management, metrics and targets, and strategies for the Hoshizaki Group’s sustainability activities, including social and environmental responses, and to confirm results and progress and implement countermeasures.
The Sustainability Committee will strengthen and promote initiatives to resolve Hoshizaki’s materiality (key issues) in order to realize the Company’s Long-term Vision.
Hoshizaki Group Sustainability Principle
We, the Hoshizaki Group, aim to realize a sustainable society and increase our corporate value through our business activities, based on our management philosophy, "to be an 'evolving company' that can contribute to our customers and society."
- We will work to create a fair and inclusive environment in which all people can thrive and will contribute to the creation of value for our customers, our people and society at large.
- As a global company, we will respect human rights and strive to mitigate environmental impact throughout our operating businesses and supply chain and contribute to the environment and future generations.
- We will aim for transparency, compliance, trust, and collaboration in our words and actions with all constituencies and stakeholders.
Promotion Structure
The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the president and vice-chaired by the managing executive officer in charge of administrative departments, meets quarterly and, depending on the topics to be discussed, is attended by the head of each business division, creating a system for cross-organizational review and discussion to resolve key issues.

For more information on other sustainability initiatives, please refer here.