Materiality (Key Issues)
In order to realize our Purpose, the Hoshizaki Group has described our Long-term Vision in our Five-year Management Vision, anticipating risks and opportunities in light of medium- to long-term changes in the business environment.
To achieve this, we believe it is important to grasp global trends (social issues), identify materiality (key issues) from management capital using a future-oriented approach, and solve these issues.
The Hoshizaki Group, together with its employees, discussed and examined various social issues, and identified and designated six materialities based on external perspectives in the form of opinions from outside directors. The Board of Directors evaluated and approved the materialities in relation to the SDG targets to which they contribute, and established key performance indicators (KPIs) for each materiality.
By defining materiality KPIs to achieve our desired outcome, and having all Hoshizaki Group employees share and implement these, we will be able to create value in the medium to long term.
Materiality Identification and Designation Process

Materiality Analysis

Materiality and SDG Goals to Which it Contributes, and KPIs

For more information on our approach to setting KPIs and so on, please refer here.